Last Thursday I had a wonderful blessing. I went to the introduction for the Bible Study Fellowship for next fall. Oh, I'm so excited! I wish I would have done the study this spring, but I was so nervous about leaving Marian I just couldn't do it. God knew I'd need some help leaving her in a larger class and not just with friends so he provided a lovely lady named Ms. Clemens. She is the assistant children's program director and she has type 1 diabetes! She called me last Tuesday before the introduction class to go over Marian's needs and tell me the carbohydrate counts of the snack.
I was blessed by the welcoming attitude of everyone I met and how they reacted to joyfully looking out for Marian. That would have made my day if that was it, but then the lecture was so encouraging! It was based on 1 Peter 3-5. The teacher went over submission in suffering, refinement in suffering, leadership for suffering and service. The topic was suffering! A topic that Mark and I have spent a lot of time talking about in the last 6 months. I was so refreshed after this 45 minutes, but then I went back to pick up the girls and they were so excited. Marian talked for two days about all she did in her new "class." I am so grateful for a place that I can look forward to digging into the Word, but also for a place that the girls are learning and growing in the Word as well.
Thank you to the ladies that were so welcoming at BSF and for my friends that are already involved and encouraged me to join!